Friday, July 24, 2015

another post

So, another blogger said he could ate bread in France and not in the USA. Most people would think it is weird why can't he eat bread from the US. what makes it different. Well, I am not writing this based on a study but the US has over processed the wheat that is used to make bread in the factories. When in France, they make their bread in places called bakeries. which are not very common or at least when you think of a bakery it is a place that makes cakes and other types of sweets. Well in France people make their bread was love and care which a corporation can not do.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


sorry it has been a while i have been busy with high. i have now graduated and will be starting college in the fall. I will be attending Tallahassee Community College. I will get my AS or BS. I plan on studing engineering with a minor in education. I have won money to help support me through this time in my luld like to thank my many frife. I have also become a chef while I was in high school. I will use this knowledge to help me live through college . I woulds like to thank my friends and family for their support through he years and for their continued support.I hope i am ale to elp myself become a better given the position i have been put in. I wish the world was a place where there were no walls to keep people from being able to travel where they please. I wish the world was square so that then people could think out side of the box. I wish people could be loved just the way they are and how they were made from the begaining or how they wish to have themselves shown in the world.